CO2 Emissions Icon

Our CO2 Emissions

We aim to minimise the environmental impact of our paper purchases through both reducing CO2 emissions and implementing carbon balancing.

Paper Products and Packaging Icon

Paper Products and Packaging

We prioritise sustainable sourcing and packaging practices through the use of FSC ® and PEFC certified paper and responsible packaging.

Community Icon

Our Community

We engage with our community by supporting our employees' chosen charities, offering work experience, and contributing to food bank appeals.

People Icon
Government Certifications Icon
Government Tick Icon
Environmental CO2 Icon
Environmental Paper Icon
Environmental Ink Icon
Environmental Waste Icon
Social Community Icon
Social Merchandise Icon

Our people

  • We are proud to put our people at the centre of all we do and we are a Living Wage Foundation certified employer
  • In 2022 we became a Best Companies Top 100 One to Watch company and we continue to implement actions learnt from our Engagement Survey.
  • We have trained a lovely group of our employees as Mental Health First Aiders.
  • We create awareness around food choices by doing free pop up kitchens serving vegan food.
  • Our attractive range of staff benefits include private medical care, death in service and life insurance for all employees as well as enhanced maternity and parental leave pay.
  • Our employees can make use of our Cycle to Work Scheme.
  • We are transitioning our uniforms to environmentally friendly materials (organic cotton and/or recycled materials) and we offer a choice of vegan recycled safety footwear.

Our governance

  • Our Board of Directors is central to the governance of Just Digital. The Board is led by our non-executive chairman and has four other members, one of whom is also a non-executive member.
  • The Board considers that good governance not only fosters an environment of trust, transparency and accountability, it also helps align an organisation’s purpose with the interests of society, building strong stakeholder relationships while effectively managing and maintaining its resources. In this way, good governance lays the foundation for the long-term success of organisations. It ensures they contribute to protecting and restoring social, economic and natural environmental systems.
  • To that effect we ensure we have, amongst other things, robust risk governance and general compliance (including Anti Bribery, GDPR and Health & Safety) processes in place.
  • Although we are not required under the Modern Slavery Act to publish a statement, we have chosen to put on record our commitment to the principles of the Act and have set out in our Modern Slavery Statement the steps we are taking ensuring compliance with the Act.

Our certifications

              Footprint logo Catch Carbon logo Forest Carbon
              logo FSC logo iso 9001-2015
              logo iso
              14001-2015 logo iso 27001-2013 logo Living Wage employer
              logo One To
              Watch logo PEFC
              logo Sedex
              member logo Woodland Carbon Logo

Our CO2 emissions

  • We have worked hard to make sure we continue to lower our CO2 emissions:
    • All our electricity is from a 100% renewable energy electricity supplier
    • We have 90% LED lighting on premises, with sensor controls
    • We also have operating modern and energy efficient machinery
  • Our company vehicles are mainly electric and our strategy is to transition to all electric as our vehicles are changed.
  • We installed 8 new EV chargers April 2022, complementing the 2 already on site. These chargers are made available to all staff for free.
  • We have implemented our CO2 emission scope 1 and 2 reporting.
  • Through collaboration with our paper merchants we carbon balance all the paper we purchase.

Our paper, products and packaging

  • We support responsible forest management and we have obtained certification under both the FSC® and PEFC certification schemes. This involves our commitment to implementing and maintaining the FSC® and PEFC Chain of Custody management systems through our management, procedures and record keeping in compliance with the FSC® and PEFC rules. The paper we use is either FSC® or PEFC certified.
  • We can use FSC® or PEFC certified paper - this can be highlighted by including the well-recognised logos on your products.
  • All our paper is carbon balanced through our collaboration with our paper merchants.
  • If you wish to carbon balance your print products, we can facilitate this through our partnerships with our paper merchants.
  • All our prints are readily recyclable using standard deinking processes.
  • Our teams work closely and collaboratively with our clients to source or produce environmentally sustainable marketing collateral or products - examples include recyclable boxes for business cards, medals manufactured of wood, seeds supplied in recyclable packets.
  • Our packaging boxes are completely recyclable including recyclable paper tape and our bubble wrap is made from 50% recycled plastic.
  • We can help you make your products as sustainable as possible - helping you
    • raise awareness of your environmental and corporate responsibilities within your organisation
    • create a strong marketing message to your stakeholders about your commitment and responsibility to the environment

Our machines and inks

The iGen Platform supports an impactful environmental and sustainability message:

  • 97% of components are recyclable or re-manufacturable.
  • More than 80%, by weight, of the waste generated by the iGen Platform can be returned, reused, or recycled.
  • The iGen Platform adheres to EU RoHS-compliant restrictions on the use of hazardous substances.
  • The iGen Platform emits 80% less noise than a typical offset press.
  • There is no generation or use of alcohols, chlorinated solvents, acids, or flammable materials.
  • We use toners (“dry inks”) which are 100% toxicologist safety approved. They do not generate hazardous waste, use VOC solvents or petroleum distillates.
  • The toner containers have nearly 100% transfer rate efficiency resulting in minimal waste and clean up.
  • The toner bottles are recycled and remanufactured, with more than 90% reuse of parts.

Our waste management

  • We have zero waste going to landfill - 86% goes to recycling and the remainder is diverted waste.
  • All our electronic waste is collected and sent for recycling through certified and approved providers.

Our community

  • Through our charity work we engage with the communities around us - our most recent charity activities have involved raising money for Support Dogs and Mind.
  • For several years our staff and the company as a whole have supported one of our local food banks.
  • We have engaged with local schools and supplied them with scrap paper for arts and crafts activities.
  • Every year we offer work experience placements for local school children.
  • Through our collaboration with our paper merchants, we are involved in international community projects.

Our collaboration with our paper merchants

  • Through collaboration with our paper merchants we carbon balance all the paper we purchase.
  • We work with three carbon balancing organisations, Forest Carbon, The Woodland Trust and the Woodland Carbon Scheme. Through them we support tree planting schemes in the UK. We have spent a day with Forest Carbon to see for ourselves the wonderful project in Cumbria that is not only capturing carbon but benefitting local wildlife.
  • So far, our support has enabled the planting of approximately 1200 trees in the UK.

These schemes also support international community schemes. Our involvement supports two schemes:

  • Deforestation projects in the Amazonian rain forest, Brazil; Including protecting the rights of the Amazonian people, supporting economic development and making a stand against climate change
  • Cooking stoves project in Kenya. This project provides household stoves, which are locally produced in a solar-powered factory in Kenya. The innovative natural draft technology reduces fuel consumption and cooking time by up to 50%, freeing up income which would have otherwise been spent on fuel. The climate benefits means saving on coal and firewood fuel and the social benefits involve creating new jobs in disadvantaged Kenyan rural communities. From September 2021 to May 2022 we facilitated the purchase of 80 household stoves and saved 267 tonnes of coal and firewood, through our purchase of carbon balanced paper.