
Canvas Prints

Canvas Prints are a meaningful way to honour your family's loved one and encourage the sharing of cherished memories. Whether displayed at the front of the service or in the comfort of one's home, these canvas prints offer a lasting tribute that captures the essence of your beloved.

A Loving and Lasting Tribute

Landscape or Portrait

Small, Medium and Large Sizes

Intergrated Backstrut

3 Sizes, 1 Perfect Memory

Available in three sizes, our Canvas Prints come in either small (12” x 16"), medium (16" x 20"), or large (20" x 30"). This range allows you to select the size that best suits your needs and desired display location.

Place Anywhere, Anytime

Our Canvas Prints are designed to be effortlessly displayed. With an integrated removable back strut, they can be easily placed on any flat surface without the need for an easel or additional support. This convenience allows you to highlight the canvas in a landscape or portrait orientation, adapting to your preferred presentation style.

Reflect on your Loved One's Life Together

Canvas Prints become a focal point that draws attention and invites reflection. They capture the memories and spirit of your loved one, evoking emotions and inspiring conversations. These prints serve as a reminder of the love and connection shared, fostering a sense of comfort and unity among family and friends.