
Introducing Forever by Your Side™

Introducing Forever By Your Side™, a cherished collection of 10 treasured photographs, concertina folded and encased with a soft-edge cover. This heartfelt offering allows you to preserve your family's most precious moments while keeping the original photographs safe and intact.

10 Treasured Photographs

Concertina Folded

Polaroid or Classic Formats

Personal Memento

Image Reproduction

Preserve Cherished Memories

With Forever By Your Side™, you have the freedom to handpick the family photographs that hold the deepest meaning to you. Our skilled designers will reproduce each image, ensuring that the originals are captured and carefully preserved. It is a way to hold on to the cherished memories that define your loved one's journey.

Two Formats, One Unforgettable Tribute

To cater to your loved one, we offer two formats: a collection of Polaroid-sized images with personalised heartfelt messages, and a classic 6" x 4" version, for a more traditional presentation, containing just images. Whichever you choose, each photograph will be a perfect reminder of the love and connection shared within your family.

Keeping Memories Close

We understand the comfort that comes from keeping a part of your loved one close, even after they have been laid to rest. Many find comfort in placing a copy of this touching keepsake alongside their departed family member, allowing a connection of those captured moments to last.

For Every Loved One

In addition, order extra copies of Forever By Your Side™ for your immediate family members to ensure that every cherished individual has their own personal memento, forever preserving the images that were left by your loved one's side.